Volunteer Opportunities
St. Mark’s has an excellent volunteer program where families are encouraged and welcome to participate in the development of the students at the school. The volunteer program is a way to engage the community with our students and school. St. Mark’s School could not operate as well as it does without the continual involvement of its parents and other volunteers. We appreciate the time and effort that all of our volunteers give to our students and school!
The variety of opportunities include helping in the classrooms, working in the lunchroom or library, chaperoning and driving for field trips, working on the school grounds, facility cleaning, serving on the School Board, Home and School Association, or Foundation, recess or parking lot duty, volunteering for special events, coaching, helping with fundraisers, providing other specialized services you may possess, the list goes on and on. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and there are MANY ways to get involved. You can ask teachers, the Principal, the office staff, the kitchen staff, maintenance staff, library staff, Home & School Association members, School Board members, and Foundation members for ideas and opportunities for service. In addition, parents are also invited to attend the school’s weekly liturgy at St. Mark's Parish on Fridays at 8:30am, which is planned and executed by a different class each week. There are several valuable programs at St. Mark’s that could not exist without volunteers just like you.
Volunteer Requirements
Each family is expected to provide 24 volunteer hours over the course of the school year. Six of the 24 hours need to be dedicated to the annual school auction held in the fall. These hours can be completed by parents, grandparents or other family members, but are separate from the students’ community service requirements. These hours need to be either performed at the school or directly related to school activities. If you have questions as to what hours apply, please email schooloffice@stmarksboise.org. If your family is not able or does not wish to provide 24 volunteer hours, there will be a $20 per hour fee billed at the end of the school year.
Please record your volunteer hours manually in the binder outside the School Office.
Safe Environment Workshop
St. Mark’s School community works hard to insure a healthy and safe learning environment for all students. Diocesan policies regarding a “Safe Environment” are adhered to and the school seeks to develop the whole person as part of the wellness policy. Every adult that volunteers in the school or at any school activity must complete the Diocese of Boise safe environment workshop, and undergo a background check. This is required by the Diocese and is provided by our parish and other parishes within the Diocese. The first SEW class must be completed in a "live" form and thereafter each year a volunteer must complete an online class. Please see the Friday Facts for announcements on upcoming classes or contact the school office for more information. To register for a live or online class, you must create an account on the Catholic Mutual Group website (https://boise.cmgconnect.org), go to "My Trainings", click on "Safe Environment Face to Face Training" or the module you want to view, click on and read the 7 forms on the left side of the page. The last tab "Live Event" lets you choose the event date to sign up for.
The faculty and staff of St. Mark’s School would like to thank our parents and families for all their dedication, hundreds of volunteer hours, prayers and support. Our school could not be as successful without this support.